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Center for Balkan

Tel: 978-461-0909
Fax: 978-461-2552
[email protected]

E-mail Notices

September 17, 2001
Statement on terrorist bombings and letters of support from the Balkans

June 1, 2001
Urgent Funding Request: Friends of Bosnia seeks $20,000 for computers for school in Bosnia by June 23, 2001

July 12 , 2000
Boston rally to mark fifth anniversary of Srebrenica massacre on July 14

June 28, 2000
New York rally to mark fifth anniversary of Srebrenica massacre on July 11

June 14, 2000
Musical Drama Supports FOB

June 7, 2000
Follow up on U.S. funds for UN peacekeeping

Center for Balkan Development Action Alerts

October 16, 2000
Contact Members of Congress to maintain outer wall of sanctions on Serbia until cooperation with War Crimes Tribunal.

May 21, 2000
FOB urges members to contact Senator Gregg (R, NH) to oppose halt in U.S. funding for UN peacekeeping.

May 13, 1999
Support needed for "Dear Colleague" letter urging the President to indict Slobodan Milosevic

January 20, 1999
Support Congressional Resolution to use military force to halt Serb aggression in Kosovo.

July 11, 1998
Supporting a "Dear Colleague" letter to President Clinton to take a stand against Serb aggression in Kosovo.

Press Releases

February 19, 2001
Friends of Bosnia is deeply disturbed by recent attacks on Serbs in Kosovo including the bombing on Friday near Podujevo that killed ten Serb civilians including children.

October 9, 2000
Friends of Bosnia Applauds Ouster of Milosevic and Possibility for Peace Throughout the Balkans; Calls on International Community to Link Lifting Sanctions with Serbian Cooperation with War Crimes Tribunal

July 31 , 2000
Friends of Bosnia team returns from Kosovo. Complete work on photodocumentary project and begin work on reconstruction project of important cultural monuments damaged by Serbs.

June 27, 2000
Friends of Bosnia, in collaboration with the Kosovo Cultural Heritage Project from Cambridge, has received a grant from the Packard Humanities Institute in Palo Alto, California to reconstruct three important cultural monuments in Kosovo.

May 22, 2000
Friends of Bosnia receives grant from Clipper Ship Foundation to support the Medical Aid Drive for Kosovo.

September 23, 1999
Condeming violence against Serbs and Roma in Kosovo

March 24, 1999
Statement on air strikes on Serbia